Sunflower seeds: a nutritious and delicious snack

Sunflower seeds have great nutritional value. They are a nutritious snack because they are rich in trace elements such as iron, copper, magnesium, selenium, phosphorus, zinc, in vitamins such as vitamin E, folic acid, vitamin B3, vitamin B1 and vitamin B6, in good fats such as unsaturated fatty acids, while they also contain protein, i.e. 100g give 21g of protein.

They have anti-inflammatory properties.

Sunflower seeds have a very high content of vitamin E which has the ability to neutralize the free radicals that accumulate in our body.

They reduce cholesterol.

Sunflower seeds contain phytosterols which, according to numerous studies, tend to reduce the levels of “bad” cholesterol in our body.

They relax our nerves.

In particular, sunflower seeds are a very good source of magnesium. Magnesium helps control nerve and muscle tone and its deficiency is associated with overactivity of our nerves causing muscle spasms, migraines, muscle cramps, nervousness and fatigue.

They protect our heart.

The vitamin E present in sunflower seeds prevents the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases.

They detoxify us.

The high content of sunflower seeds in antioxidants such as vitamin E, polyphenols and selenium helps to remove toxic substances that accumulate (oxidative stress) in our body every day.

They protect us from various forms of cancer.

Sunflower seeds are a good source of selenium which is a trace element that is absolutely necessary to maintain our health. In particular, various scientific studies have shown that selenium intake is associated with a reduced risk of cancer, as selenium participates in various mechanisms that protect against the mutation of our genetic material.